Pinellas County, Fla.
AVA: Autonomous Vehicle Advantage
Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority partnered with Beep to create first/last-mile solutions in a number of communities within Pinellas County.

The Autonomous Vehicle Advantage (AVA) launched with the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority and showcases innovation in transportation with safe, efficient, and clean-energy technology that benefits the community.
The Autonomous Vehicle Advantage (AVA), launched on Bayshore Drive with Beep and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority in the City of Saint Petersburg. It is the first, fully electric autonomous vehicle fleet launched by a transit agency in mixed traffic. Through the Florida Department of Transportation funded project, Beep partnered with PSTA to provide a first-mile and last-mile solution along Bayshore Drive with four stops connecting a hotel, museums, pier, yacht club and Cross Bay ferry service. The free shuttle service operated alongside a bi-directional bike path, cars, buses and other modes of transportation. The vehicle is equipped with an ADA compliant ramp and a Q’Straint system that is deployed by the onboard co-pilot to assist passengers. During the four-month pilot the service safely operated nearly 860 hours and transported nearly 5,000 passengers across more than 2,800 miles.
AVA's second project was in Clearwater Beach, along Gulfview Boulevard. Beep partnered with PSTA to provide a first/last-mile solution along the beach with six stops along the boulevard connecting hotels, a pier, and parking lots. During the five-week pilot safely traveled nearly 770 miles and transported nearly 2,800 passengers.
Clearwater Beach
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If you want to provide safe, convenient, eco-friendly mobility services in your area, reach out to Beep. We will help you assess the benefits and impact you can realize for your town, city, business or campus.