Beep Presents Innovative Mobility Concept at SANDAG Community Fair

Beep SVP Jennifer Davenport at SANDAG's community fair.
In partnership with SANDAG, the San Diego region’s primary public planning, transportation, transit construction, and research agency, Beep presented its innovative mobility concept during the agency's first-ever community fair to inform and engage the public on projects, initiatives, partnerships, and innovative concepts that align with the region’s 2021 Regional Plan.
SANDAG selected Beep Inc. as one of three finalists to present their concepts at the community fair at Ruocco Park on Sunday, October 9, 2022 following the region’s request for innovative concepts in November 2021. The Request for Innovative Concepts (RFIC) was SANDAG’s call to industry to partner with the private sector to develop and deliver cutting-edge transportation solutions for the San Diego region in the next five to 10 years.
During the community fair in San Diego, Beep Inc., in partnership with Balfour Beatty, Kittelson, and TESIAC, presented its concept of implementing mobility hubs to create a network of autonomous electric shuttles designed as a neighborhood circulator. The alternative transportation network is intended to provide first- and last-mile connections to existing transit services. These mobility hubs will include strategically located electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and placemaking amenities to support the mobility networks. Additional electric charging investments, including microgrids, substations, and solar power, are proposed future concepts in these locations to support growth and enable the first demonstrated self-sustaining electric mobility hub.
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If you want to provide safe, convenient, eco-friendly mobility services in your area, reach out to Beep. We will help you assess the benefits and impact you can realize for your town, city, business or campus.